I hate to write more bad news but unfortunately that is the case. My silence over the past week is basically due to my hard drive crashing a few days ago. And with no warning at all. My laptop (Macbook) is only 2 years old and I thought that I still had a while to go before experiencing any problems. Early this year my battery died and now the hard drive just disappeared. The timing could not be worse. Not only have I lost some data and photos which cannot be recovered, but I now need to buy a new hard drive which costs Ksh 12,000 (about $170). These are yet again costs that I never budgeted for nor do I have the funds for this.I normally do a back-up of my laptop each time I am in Nairobi. The last time I did it was the beginning of September. The “funny” thing is that I had entered “Back-up comp” in my diary on the 14th of October. Well, I was turning on my computer to do just that when it crashed.I would be so grateful for any assistance towards purchasing a new hard drive. The good news is that I am back in Samburu and will go out later to start the search for Nashipai, Nabo, their cubs and the rest of the Ewaso Lions.