Lion Conservation in a
Changing Landscape
- The African lion population has declined by 43% in the last 20 years and lions now occupy only 8% of their historical range in Africa. The estimated numbers of lions across Africa are approximately 20,000. In Kenya, the national population now numbers less than 2,500 individuals. This reduction in lion numbers is primarily due to habitat loss and conflict with humans, typically when lions kill people’s livestock.
Our Vision And Mission
When we began only 11 lions were known, mostly all confined to protected areas. Now the ecosystem boasts over 50 lions, including cubs. The key question now is: What is our hope for lions for the next few years in northern Kenya?
- Vision – A secure future for lions and other large carnivores in a dynamic cultural landscape, achieved through community-led conservation.
- Mission – Ewaso Lions is dedicated to conserving lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife.
Our Programmes
Warrior Watch
Lion Kids Camp
Jeremy Lucas Education Fund
Kura’s Pride
Our Research Programmes
Science is a critical tool in saving northern Kenya’s lions. Ewaso Lions’ research goal is to use science and research to inform and guide conservation programmes geared towards promoting coexistence between people and lions within their range.
Our 3-year Strategic Plan
To develop our 3-year strategic plan, we identified six broad thematic areas of work and our desired outcomes under each theme. We identified priority activities for achieving each outcome. The activities that make up our 3-year roadmap fall under one or more of the six themes.
What We Have Accomplished
Ewaso Lions is a permanent, growing project, which - for 12 years - has worked with warriors, elders, women, herders, and children to raise awareness of ecological problems/solutions, reduce human-wildlife conflict, and educate communities on the benefits of wildlife for local livelihoods.
Engage, Ensure, Enhance
Since its founding in 2007, We have put local people at the centre of our conservation programmes. To achieve sustainable coexistence with carnivores, people must feel an intrinsic desire to adopt conservation practices within their daily lives, and should have genuine ownership in the conservation decision-making process.
2023 - 2025
- Our 2023-2025 strategy represents Ewaso Lions second intentional vision-casting process since the inception of our organisation. This time, we chose an Appreciative Inquiry Approach.
With a focus on our strengths and what the team and our partners really felt the organisation would excel and push us into our niche, we began Discovering, Dreaming, Designing and Envisaging our Destiny.