Earlier this week, Ewaso Lions met with other conservation stakeholders from Samburu and Isiolo districts to discuss the heavy loss of wildlife killed by speeding automobiles on the newly tarmacked
Lions Kill Cheetah
We had very few cheetahs sightings in 2009 but finally towards the end of 2010, we started seeing more. Cheetahs tend to leave parks and reserves where lion numbers are high and appear to do better
Predators Everywhere!
Predator sightings over the past few weeks have been quite remarkable. We have been fortunate to see predators almost daily. We recently had one of the most amazing single day of predator sightings in
First Cheetahs
We’ve had a couple nice surprises in the last 24 hours. First, at about 11pm last night, we were roused awake by a group of elephants passing right through camp. I peeped out my tent window and saw
Training Porini Guides in the Maasai Mara
In November, I traveled to the Porini Camps in the Maasai Mara to train their guides on predator ecology and identification. I visited the Mara Porini Camp in Ol Kinyei Conservancy and the Porini Lion