Hello friends,
I am sorry for the long long silence! I was in Nairobi all of April, working on data and reports. I returned to Samburu about 2 weeks ago and have been busy setting up the Echo Lima Camp once again in West Gate Community Conservancy, trying to find the lions, catching up with the Ewaso Lions team and much more.
Sadly, things are not very good here. The rains have pretty much failed. Normally when I return to Samburu every May, it is green, the Ewaso Nyiro River is flowing fast, elephants are everywhere, cats are hard to find and all animals are happy and energetic in the lush green vegetation.
This time however, it is a different scene. When I arrived, the river was still dry, elephants were lethargic with numerous calves dying in large numbers, the lions were still in the reserve concentrated along the river and the ground still bare and very very dry.
The Ewaso Nyiro still dry when I returned in early May
The situation in West Gate is no better. The Samburu people are moving daily in search of rain (its raining around us – just not here), there has been cholera outbreaks in the region with people dying. Livestock are dying daily and sadly Grevy zebra too. I was also faced with 3 dead (1 dying) elephants the day we set up the Echo Lima camp.
Amidst this sad news, there is some good news and hope. It is raining around us and the river finally began to flow after being dry for 5 months!
The Ewaso Nyiro started flowing a few days ago in West Gate Community Conservancy
I had a fantastic sighting of all the lions from the Koitogor Pride in Samburu National Reserve a few days ago. Nashipai, Nabo and their 5 cubs are looking great and healthy. The cubs have grown and are almost full size now. Uni’s 4 cubs have all survived and are also looking healthy. It is always such a relief to see the lions after being away for a long time.
Nashipai and one of her cubs looking great during the persistent dry season in the reserve
Uni’s cubs looking healthy
There is much more to report on – some good and some bad. I will be posting many more blogs about everything soon, so stay tuned. Some really exciting news is also on the way….
But in the meantime, where is the rain? We keep hoping it is still on the way…