I’ve just received these photos from Shivani who is in the reserve dealing with the aftermath of yesterday’s massive floods in Samburu.
Photos above: Flooding at Save The Elephants camp.
A helicopter helps evacuate people.
Save The Elephants expects the damages to their camp to be in the hundreds of thousands of US dollars.
Shivani with a dying baby waterbuck.
Virtually no wildlife has been seen in the reserve since the floods. Many drowned dik dik have been found. Small and young animals were unable to escape the flash floods or have died of exposure, while many larger animals like elephants have disappeared; presumably they’ve gone up into the hills.
We are very concerned for the lions, several of whom had young cubs and were last seen close to the river. We will keep you updated.
Please help Samburu. We are collecting food and shelter items as well as donations for a relief effort. Many people are now homeless and without food and clean water. To help, please donate through this blog. If you are in Nairobi and want to donate food and other goods, call Paul at 0722454494 or
Thank you!