Naramat, our extraordinary lioness in Westgate Conservancy, was sadly killed by other lions in 2021, but her impact lives on. She gave birth to 3 stunning females in 2019 – Mararoi, Narasha, and Masanduku, who later brought 3 more cubs into the world in 2021. Fast forward to 2023, Narasha gave birth to 3 adorable cubs – and we recently had the privilege of seeing them. Now 6 months old, Naramat’s newest grandcubs were spotted in the thick toothbrush tree bushes with their mother Narasha and all four lions seem to be thriving.

Naramat’s grand-cubs: Narasha’s latest trio of cubs born in 2023

The 3 sub-adults born to Mararoi and Narasha in 2021

Mararoi, Masanduku and Narasha – born in 2019

Naramat, an extraordinary lioness
Naramat was beloved and embraced by many in the Westgate community throughout her 13 years and was a testament to peaceful co-existence between lions and humans. To read more about Naramat, click here. Naramat’s legacy continues to inspire and awe us every day and we look forward to continuing watching her grand-cubs grow and thrive within our conservation landscape.