This is the second part of a feature on Jeneria Lekilelei, Ewaso Lions Field Operations and Community Manager. Click here to read Part 1. You came up with the idea behind Ewaso Lions’ flagship
From Goat Herding to Lion Conservation: The Story of a Samburu Warrior
Conservation works when we involve and educate the community. I believe that the major challenge for me was lack of education and not understanding the value for having wildlife.
From Goat Herding to Lion Conservation: The Story of a Samburu Warrior. Part 1
Meet Jeneria Lekilelei, a young Samburu warrior who comes from the Sasaab area in Westgate Community Conservancy, Samburu, Kenya. Jeneria started working with Ewaso Lions in 2008 as a Lion Scout and
Five Students Receiving Scholarships from Wildlife
Education is Crucial for Conservation Tomorrow’s wildlife leaders must be equipped with a solid education today, empowering them to make informed choices to tackle the challenges facing Africa’s
Help Lions On #GivingTuesday
This Tuesday, December 2nd, you can join #GivingTuesday – the global movement to support charities and causes that are making a difference for good. Please show your support by making your donation
CURRENT CONSERVATION: Empowering local communities in Kenya to conserve lions
Empowering local communities in Kenya to conserve lions December 1, 2014 The African lion is a powerful flagship species synonymous with African rangelands; yet across the continent, lions and other
Building the New Ewaso Lions Camp
We are extremely excited to officially share a big announcement. For months and months, we have been hard at work to build a new home for the Ewaso Lions team. Today, we are sharing the first photos
Lions Might be Listed as ‘Threatened’
Last week, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced the African lion might get listed as ‘Threatened’ under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. To read an in-depth article on the listing, visit
Vehicles Separates Lion Cub From Mother
Several days ago, a 1-year-old lion cub named Loeku was separated from his mother and the rest of the pride in Samburu National Reserve. Tourism vehicles in the park overcrowded and disturbed the