Naramat was in trouble. She had wandered into an area in Westgate which would put her on a collision course with some of the camels there. Having heard this grave news, Jeneria’s week began by racing there to keep the lioness and the community’s camels safe. Mission accomplished, Jeneria had no time to rest as the very next day – Monday – Nadala killed two cows north of Samburu, and Loeku’s GPS points put him ominously close to the town. Jeneria went with some Warrior Watch men to deal with both of these issues, negotiating for Nadala’s life and keeping a close eye on Loeku’s movements.
Switching it up, Jeneria now had to put on his workshop hat. On Tuesday, he headed to pick up conservancy managers from three different areas for a training. When they were done, the fun reached a crescendo when Jeneria found himself in the midst of a spectacularly colourful Turkana wedding in Ngare Mara, surrounded by 200 feathered Turkana warriors. A rare occasion for Samburus and Turkanas to mix, Jeneria was asked to speak, further bridging peace to the two communities at the celebration.
As the excitement died down, Jeneria’s thoughts veered back to Loeku, and he went straight back to check that he was in a safe area.
Having dropped everyone back to far flung homes, Jeneria went to a meeting with the women of Westgate. Looking out at these pioneering women, he passionately gave them advice and showing all the men’s support for women to have a stronger voice in conservation.
On Saturday, serious matters were afoot, and Jeneria went to participate in the Annual General Meeting of a key conservancy: Kalama, keeping lions on the agenda there.
Time for a break? Well, maybe Sunday brought a break of sorts. Jeneria joined Munteli, our Mama Simba coordinator as she took Westgate Mamas out for a wildlife safari. With the rain and the lush bush, there was lots to see and lots to celebrate as Munteli drove everyone through the windy paths.
Jeneria’s breakneck speed, passion and efficiency inspires us all every day, and is helping to build up the next generation of those who want to be just like him. We salute him, and the world salutes him too. This frantic week also brought with it a coveted prize. Jeneria is among 50 wildlife rangers across the continent to receive the African Ranger Award from the Paradise Foundation. He is being honoured for his courage, bravery and efforts in securing a future for wildlife, and we couldn’t be more proud.